Can we do Farmer Field Schools training remotely?


23 June 2022




Lilian Goredema, FAO

Join FAO on the 23rd of June (11:00-13:00 GMT+2) to learn about and share experiences of using remote training tools to support Farmer Field Schools (FFS) during COVID-19 and beyond.

The event will include presentations from field experiences, a panel discussion and a sharing session to gather experiences and ideas from FFS practitioners around the world.

The session will be moderated by Jorge Chavez-Tafur (Oxfam Novib) and include the following sessions and presenters:

  • Introduction and objectives Anne-Sophie Poisot (FAO) 
  • Live training of facilitators using the virtual learning centres: FAO’s experience on poultry FFS and anti-microbial resistance Giacomo de Besi (FAO) 
  • Training facilitators on nutrition: Oxfam’s experience and lessons learned Hilton Mbozi (Oxfam Novib) 
  • Self-paced e-learning courses on FFS focusing on introducing, implementing and formulating FFS courses Jaap van de Pol (FAO) 
  • Panel discussion - How can remote training be used to support FFS trainings? Jam Khalid (FAO Pakistan), Pranati Mohanraj (CARE USA), Deborah Duveskog (FAO Kenya)
  • Open discussion – exchanging lessons Moderated plenary discussion 
  • A wider perspective on FFS and digital tools: tips for e-powerment of FFS Winnie Nalyongo (FAO) 
  • Conclusions Anne-Sophie Poisot (FAO) 

Register for this event here!

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