03 September 2019
India Expo Centre and Mart
New Delhi
Resilient Food Systems PCU
Rodrigo Ciannella
The 14th session of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) Conference of the Parties (COP) took place from 2 to 13 September 2019 at the India Expo Centre and Mart in New Delhi, India. The global conference reviewed progress to control and reverse the further loss of productive land from desertification, land degradation and drought.
UNCCD COP14 hosted more than 5,000 representatives from over 196 countries drawn from national, regional and local governments, science and research communities, the private sector, international and non-governmental organizations and all forms media over the duration of the two-week event.
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF), in collaboration with Resilient Food Systems (RFS) country project teams, the World Agroforestry (ICRAF) and partners, held a side event to COP14 on Tuesday, 3rd September 2019. The purpose was to highlight the innovative approaches of the Resilient Food Systems programme, focusing specifically on the promotion of sustainable natural resource management and the linkages to food and nutrition security outcomes for smallholder farmers. Emerging lessons were presented from three dynamic country projects - Eswatini, Niger and Uganda. Project implementors presented rich case study experiences and insight on implementation with the aim of catalysing an exchange of insights, lessons learnt and successful implementation practices with other UNCCD parties, relevant development actors, and the private sector.
Introduction and objectives
Niger: Family Farming Development Programme (ProDAF) Profiling water mobilisation networks and the watershed approach embedded into the national development framework. (Presentation includes a short program video).
Eswatini: Climate - Smart Agriculture for Climate - Resilient Livelihoods (CSARL) Monitoring innovations using the Land Degradation Surveillance Framework (LDSF) and strengthening national capacity and embedding approaches into chiefdom planning.
Uganda: Fostering Sustainability and Resilience for Food Security in Karamoja Sub-Region Supporting women-led community based organizations to address land degradation.
Closing remarks
In parallel to the UNCCD COP14, held in New Delhi in September 2019, IFAD, with support from GEF and in collaboration with the Resilient Food Systems PCU, held a side event entitled “Fostering an integrated approach for sustainable land management in sub-Saharan Africa”. The side event featured presentations from RFS country project teams from Eswatini, Niger and Uganda. The purpose of the side event was to highlight the innovative approaches of the Resilient Food Systems programme, focusing specifically on the promotion of sustainable natural resource management and the linkages to food and nutrition security outcomes for smallholder farmers.
In parallel to the UNCCD COP14, held in New Delhi in September 2019, IFAD, with support from GEF and in collaboration with the Resilient Food Systems PCU, held a side event entitled “Fostering an integrated approach for sustainable land management in sub-Saharan Africa”. Programme Task Manager, Jonky Tenou, and Senior Environmental Specialist of the GEF Secretariat, Jean-Marc Sinnassamy, gave opening remarks and a presented brief overview of the RFS programme.
In parallel to the UNCCD COP14, held in New Delhi in September 2019, IFAD, with support from GEF and in collaboration with the Resilient Food Systems PCU, held a side event entitled “Fostering an integrated approach for sustainable land management in sub-Saharan Africa”. The side event featured presentations from RFS country project teams from Eswatini, Niger and Uganda.
In parallel to the UNCCD COP14, held in New Delhi in September 2019, IFAD, with support from GEF and in collaboration with the Resilient Food Systems PCU, held a side event entitled “Fostering an integrated approach for sustainable land management in sub-Saharan Africa”. The side event featured presentations from RFS country project teams from Eswatini, Niger and Uganda.
In parallel to the UNCCD COP14, held in New Delhi in September 2019, IFAD, with support from GEF and in collaboration with the Resilient Food Systems PCU, held a side event entitled “Fostering an integrated approach for sustainable land management in sub-Saharan Africa”. The side event featured presentations from RFS country project teams from Eswatini, Niger and Uganda.
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